Unleash your inner explorer on a virtual tour of the Grand Canyon

Visitors to the Virtual Field Trips site can choose between unguided tours, discovering the mystery of Blacktail Canyon or exploring remote areas of the Grand Canyon using imaging tools.  There are lots of hidden gems along the way.

Visitors to the Virtual Field Trips site can choose between unguided tours, discovering the mystery of Blacktail Canyon or exploring remote areas of the Grand Canyon using imaging tools. There are lots of hidden gems along the way.

Sheltering in place? Do you have children looking for adventure? How about a virtual geology field trip to Grand Canyon?

Virtual Field Trips provide a way for you to explore and discover amazing places without leaving your home.

Visitors to the site can choose between unguided tours, discovering the mystery of Blacktail Canyon or exploring the layers superposition. You will find hidden gems, watch videos from top scientists and explore remote areas of the canyon using imaging tools.

For example, on this virtual tour you'll discover unique locations along the 280-mile Colorado River. See: https://aelp.smartsparrow.com/v/open/k8xewdbe.

Visit this link for more virtual discoveries and adventure. Explore at your own pace at: https://vft.asu.edu/iVFTLocations/GrandCanyon/GCoptions.html.

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